We are in the midst of a profound crisis in our nation’s correctional system.
Across the country, our nation’s prisons are dangerously understaffed and overcrowded.
Policymakers must act now to protect the health and safety of correctional staff, incarcerated people, and the public at large.
Prisons across the country are dangerously understaffed, overcrowded, and plagued by rapidly deteriorating conditions. 

One Voice United (OVU) and FAMM, two leading organizations representing correctional staff (OVU) and incarcerated people and their families (FAMM), have joined together to form the Safer Prisons, Safer Communities campaign. 

For too long, our constituencies have been pitted against one another while the safety and wellbeing of our colleagues, friends, and loved ones has suffered. While it may be surprising to some people that we would work together to draw attention to this crisis, we know our fates are intertwined and we have a shared goal of ensuring the health and safety of everyone who works and lives in prison.
In The News
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January 13, 2025

Prison abuse, deaths and escapes prompt calls for more oversight

Prisons and jails across the United States are overcrowded and understaffed, jeopardizing the safety of incarcerated people, correctional officers and surrounding communities. As state legislatures convene in the coming weeks, many lawmakers are focusing on a key criminal justice issue for prisons and jails: more oversight.
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January 13, 2025

Prisons Across Country Face Challenge Of Finding Workers

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, prisons across the country faced severe staffing shortages. The Federal Bureau of Prisons, operating on an $8.3 billion annual budget, has attempted to address these gaps by hosting job fairs, offering retention bonuses, and increasing pay to attract and retain workers.
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January 10, 2025

The prison population is going up as prisons struggle with staffing and overpopulation

The prison population has been creeping back upward. New laws in some states instituting harsher punishments threaten to further fill prisons, many of which are already understaffed and overcrowded.
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